1921s Wendingen, Issue 11, Cover by El Lissitzky


Product code AR9292
Dimensions34 × 34 cm

Condition Good

1 in stock

Journal, ‘Wendingen,’ Issue No.11 1921, lithograph cover designed by El Lissitzky, Russia, issue devoted to Frank Lloyd Wright written by Dr H. P. Berlage, typography by H. Th. Wijdeveld, Amsterdam, Holland, 1921.

Journal titled ‘Wendingen’ (translates as ‘Turning’ or possibly ‘Transition’}, issue No.11 1921, wraparound cover, lithograph on paper depicting geometric ‘Proun’ design in red, black, grey and white with journal title ‘Wendingen’ lettered obliquely across top left (slightly ovoid), the work designed by El Lissitzky in Russia, signed ‘EL’ lower right, the issue devoted to the work of the American architect Frank Lloyd Wright, written by Dr H. P. Berlage (Dutch architect), the inside magazine typography by H. Th. Wijdeveld, Amsterdam; the article featuring rendered drawings and photographs of various Lloyd Wright projects eg the Imperial Hotel Tokyo and Olive Hill residence, Los Angeles and printed on double folded pages; the issue bound with fine string through six holes punched through the spine.

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